2015 POW City Tree Lot - Thank You!

Thank you for supporting the 2015 POW City Kinsmen tree lot!
We had a great year and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and we wish you a happy and prosperous new year.

We look forward to your support in 2016!

Barrett Jackson Experience Winners!

First Place Trip for Two to Vegas and the Barrett Jackson Auction
Travel Voucher Winner
Travel Voucher Winner

Congratulations to the Barrett Jackson Experience winners.
First Place - a trip to Vegas with $50,000 Canadian to spend on the dream car of their choice at the Barrett Jackson Auto Auction
Irvin Bender

Travel Voucher $2000
Doug Bryshm

Travel Voucher $5000
Howard Mehain

POW City Kinsmen Thanks You

The POW City Kinsmen would like to thank everyone for supporting us for this years tree lot. Your support will help out families and organizations in our city.
We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and we wish everyone a prosperous and happy new year.

We look forward to your support next Christmas season.

Thank you again for helping us serve our communities greatest need.

Top of the Hops a Success!

The Pow City Kinsmen wish to thank all our patrons and vendors for yet another successful Top of the Hops in 2014.
We hope to see everyone back next year!


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