2019 Top of the Hops - May 24, 25 2019

POW City Kinsmen is very excited to be hosting the 2019 Sobeys Presents - Top of the Hops event.
A first for our Event, we have a title sponsor, Sobeys Liquor.http://saskatchewan.sobeysliquor.com
Sobeys Liquor, in addition to being title sponsor will also have a store on site. This was popular in past years and we are happy that we can partner with Sobeys to bring a store back to the show.
We have over 40 food and Liquor vendors at our event this year with more than 200 different food and alcohol choices.

2nd Annual Kinsmen TeleMiracle Celebrity Karaoke

Pow City Kinsmen presents our 2nd annual Kinsmen TeleMiracle Celebity Karaoke!

All proceeds of our Celebrity Karaoke event goes towards TeleMiracle.

For details on the event and sponsors, click on read more below and open the attached file.

To Buy tickets, click on the following link --> http://powcitykinsmencelebritykaraoke.eventbrite.ca.

POW City Sommelier Wine Tour Winner

Congratulations to Tara Hale of Saskatoon who won the raffle for a sommelier tour in BC.
She bought the ticket at our annual Wine Makers Dinner.
The winning Ticket number was WD3-016272
Congratulations Tara!

2018 Kinsmen Top of the Hops, May 25,26

POW City Kinsmen is very excited to be hosting the 2018 Sobeys Presents - Top of the Hops event.
A first for our Event, we have a title sponsor, Sobeys Liquor.http://saskatchewan.sobeysliquor.com
Sobeys Liquor, in addition to being title sponsor will also have a store on site. This was popular in past years and we are happy that we can partner with Sobeys to bring a store back to the show.
We have over 40 food and Liquor vendors at our event this year with more than 200 different food and alcohol choices.


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