2017 Top of the Hops! Thank You!

The POW City Kinsmen would like to thank everyone for attending Top of the Hops 2017.
The funds raised from Top of the Hops will go towards many worthy organizations in the community.

We look forward to seeing you in 2018

Phil Thacker Memorial

Philip A. Thacker Obituary

Philip A Thacker August 25, 1952 - February 27, 2017 Dr Philip Thacker, Professor Emeritus of the University of Saskatchewan, died much too soon of pancreatic cancer.

Although Phil never married, he had many families. His BC family consists of 3 siblings, Betty in Victoria, George and Margie in Sechelt and 4 much loved nieces and nephews, and the most amazing group of friends a man could ever wish for.

Top of the Hops 2017

The POW City Kinsmen are proud to present the 15th Annual Top of the Hops The event is scheduled for May 25,26,27 2017.

Please go to our Top of The Hops web site or to Ticketmaster for tickets.

See you there!

POW City Tree Lot

It is with heavy heart that the POW City Kinsmen are announcing the end of our Tree Lot.
Over the past 30+ years POW City has been providing Christmas trees to the public.
Due to increased costs and reduced margins, it has no longer become feasible for the club to continue operating the tree lot.

We thank everyone for their purchases from Tree lot over the past decades and we look forward to having you support us in our many other endeavors such as Top of the Hops, the Wine Makers Dinner, Sutherland Hall and our Clothing Donation bins.


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