May14, 2024. Head to our web page for more Info
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The winning ticket number is: FF-208505
Prize was $5587.50
The ticket has been claimed by Ken Sarauer, Humboldt, SK. Congratulations Ken and thanks to everyone for your support.
The winning ticket number is: cc-021299
Prize was $5580
The ticket has been claimed by Michelle Dawe, Naicam SK. Congratulations Michelle and thanks to everyone for your support.
The winner of the 5050 Aug 22, 2021 is
Karen Lacoursiere Delmas,SK
Total Prize $4544.00
Thank you to all who bought Tickets!
The winner of the 5050 Aug 21, 2021 is
Michelle Springer Regina,SK
Total Prize 9144.00 WInner gets Half.